In addition to the physical iPSC line(s) and the public data accessible
via the EBiSC catalogue, some lines have additional datasets such as
genetic or clinical data associated with them. Because these data are
classed as ‘personal data’ by the
GDPR, the
EBiSC Data Access Committee
is responsible for governing access to these data to allow bona fide
researchers to re-use Personal Data associated with EBiSC lines for
research purposes.
How do I know what data is available for my selected EBiSC iPSC line?
Datasets will be explicitly stated and/or linked to on specific
iPSC line catalogue pages.
IPSC lines which have specific data available can be identified
using the filter functionality on the main catalogue search page.
How do I request access to managed access data?
Please note that the EBiSC DAC may perform checks (at two year intervals) on data users to ensure that the data is used as per the terms of the Data Access Agreement.