R2U-Tox Assay and EBiSC Joint Venture

The EIT Health project R2U Tox Assay and EBiSC2 joint venture. R2U Tox Assay focusses on revolutionising drug development by making toxicity testing more human. More information can be found on https://eithealth.eu/product-service/r2u-tox-assay/. EBiSC supports this EIT Health initiative by linking to the Ready-to-use cell models for screening developed by R2U Tox Assay.

Logo: R2U Tox Array
Logo: eit Health - EIT Health is supported by the EIT, a body of the European Union

Available READY-TO-USE cell models for screening:

  • Matured iPS-derived cell types
    • Cardiomyocytes
    • Neural Co-Culture (Neurons and Astrocytes)
  • Shipped in 96 well plate format

Interested? Please contact us !

Neural R2U Assay
Cardiac R2U Assay
Cardiac R2U Assay